The light-filled oil paintings of well-known Vashon Island artist Karen Fox are inspired by nature, by wildlife or almost any animal, by color, and by the sign, sound, and smell of large bodies of water.
So it’s no surprise Karen’s favorite subjects are animals and landscapes—which, she said, inludes water and boats. “My paintings all start as moments of beauty that I try to capture. I long to paint the striking beauty of mother nature and the exquisite character of her creatures.”
“I grew up in the city and suburbs of Chicago, so the only wildlife I saw were squirrels and birds. Later, in Denver, the picture was similar. It’s sad that so much wildlife is gone from our cities, but on Vashon we’re blessed with an abundance. I’m glad that abundance stops short of including bears and cougars, but I do wish we could be more tolerant of Vashon’s wildlife.”
Fox Tales Studio
12017 SW Cove Road
Vashon Island, WA 98070
Phone: 206-463-1204
E-mail: karen (at) foxtalesstudio.com
Website: http://foxtalesstudio.com